Life on the Lake

I enjoyed another slow morning at Aunt Sue’s apartment, although this time it was bittersweet because her being at work meant I wasn’t going to see her again.  I’ve so much enjoyed getting to know my family members, but I just don’t come through South Carolina or Alabama that often!  I hate that I might not get to see them again for a long time.  This is the avoidant personality’s dilemma – loving more people means more pain, so why love more people?  Because they’re SO GREAT, I can’t help myself.

Those feelings got buried, however, because at 1:00 I headed to see Stephanie Broach!  She’s staying at her parent’s house in Birmingham, and it was immediately easy to be together.  Too late, perhaps, I realized that we’d never really hung out one-on-one in Dallas, but after a day together, I wish we had!  She showed me a book of famous letters (like King Darius and Alexander the Great trash talking each other in the most epic prose), and then we drove two hours to her grandparent’s house on Lake Martin.   Continue reading