Last week I wrote to Lindsay on her blog, and today she has responded!  Our Letters Between Friends series continues!


Dear Tricia,

Can we take that road trip to DC tomorrow?!

It has been such a crazy week!  I’m sorry that you’re even getting this letter so late in the day.  I’m aching for a break from reality.

This may come off as kind of serious, but I had a mini epiphany this week that I thought was applicable to both you and me.  With you and I both about ready to go though some pretty big changes, I think our brains HAVE to be allowed to freak out a little, but Tuesday, as we were leaving for Miss Julie’s to drop the girls off before work, this was Rue’s and my conversation…

“MOOOMMMY!  The Shun-shine! It’s on my eyes!”

“Babe, the sun hasn’t even popped up yet!  But look at the beautiful colors!  Isn’t the pink sky so pretty?”

“Yeah mom, that sky is red.  You put your arm up so it not get in my eyes?”

“No, Rue.  Just look at the pretty colors and throw your blanket over your face.” (No compassion, I know.)


Even the anticipation of God’s glory is beautiful.


As you gear up for your main event in January, the anticipation and fundraising and contact you are having with people is been divine and wonderful and something that you will never forget, I’m sure.  Then, when you leave in January, it will be the icing on an already iced cake (if you know what I mean).

I’m writing all of this to convince myself as well that this is true.  With changes coming my way as well, this is a reminder I need also.  God doesn’t do anything just because.  And he also doesn’t do anything half a**.  Can I say that??

I hope you are enjoying your time, friend!  Again…sorry for the late letter.

Miss you, but anxiously await your posts every day!

Happy Almost Friday,


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