Letters Between Friends: NETFLIX ADDICTION

Yet another reason why Lindsay and I are such good friends…I can 100% understand her obsessive personality.  Why only like something if you can LOVE IT TO PIECES?  


Dear Tricia,

I’m riding the struggle bus this week…

The first step is admitting I have a problem…so Tricia…I HAVE A PROBLEM…


How does NETFLIX do this??  I’m consumed…It’s out of control…I think I’m ADDICTED!  I am currently watching “Switched at Birth.”


It’s basically all the normal family problems put to the extreme.  AND it includes deaf characters so LOTS of sign language.  It feels so good to see it all again… *sigh*

Signs of Addiction:

Loss of control:  It’s like I don’t even feel my finger hit the play button.  Wait?!!?

Neglecting Other Activities:  Dishes, cleaning up toys, the house, laundry, sleep.

Secrecy:  I’ve started watching it on my phone if I can’t sleep after laying in bed for an hour…with headphones…under the blanket…THE LIGHT COULD WAKE NATHAN UP!

Withdrawal:  I’m anxious to get to someplace with wireless and free time so I can watch more.

Change in Appearance:  Besides the bags under my eyes from being tired from staying up too late from watching, last night, I signed my sentence at Nathan during band practice when he was across the room.

Maybe this is just a “Switched at Birth” addiction…I’ve already looked into what it would take to become an interpreter…and signing in the car to practice…and looking goofy by myself when no one’s looking.

Nope…I don’t think so…I was like this with Scandal…and Jane the Virgin…and…well…ANYWAY!

Well, praise the sweet Lord for technology.  I needed our chat this weekend, and it’s comforting that the person who knows most is only a wireless signal away.

I’m praying for your sanity and your excitement and relationships and your new place.  AND we also have to figure out this time change…I’m realizing right now that it’s 5:30pm on Thursday right now, and your THURSDAY is almost over!  AH!



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