Letters Between Friends: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARLING


Dear Sweet and wonderful and ONE YEAR OLDER  (Tomorrow) Tricia!


I want to fill this letter with so many wonderful things…that you would enjoy on your birthday (tomorrow)!  So here is my attempt…



Photo creds to your mom.  She helped me with this one.  Your cat misses you, but because cats are so intelligent, he knows how important it is that you are there, so he completely understands.  He sits on the piano bench and only leaves to eat, drink, and use the litter box.  He’s doing great.



Because if you had it your way, you would be in elasta-pants most of your life.  And I would join you…



First it’s Hamilton.  Second, it’s Christophe (don’t worry, I know he’s in Hamilton also).  And third, they both are very pretty.

And you know who else is pretty????



I’m so glad you as mature as me now (tomorrow), and that you are surrounded by people that are celebrating you today (& tomorrow).  B/c we look awfully weird here at home celebrating an invisible person.  But we do it b/c we love you!

So from 5560 miles away…  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARLING!

Love, Lindsay

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