Letters Between Friends: AT THE STORE


It’s been three weeks since Lindsay wrote me a letter, but she MORE than makes up for it with this video tour of her new store (and for promising to give my Peoria cat Rory some food).  

Lindsay, here are my reactions, please leave a comment answering the questions.

  1. You are so cute being all nervous about small-town shame-glances!  Princeville peeps could only dream of being cool enough to vlog (maybe you will start a trend).
  2. WINEINGER TRUCK.  Here come the feels.
  3. Your store is so cool, and it’s YOURS, and I definitely thought there was a live horse standing by the doorway when you walked past.
  4. Forest!  I love that your college cat has a new place to live and explore, and honestly, I am 400% more likely to frequent a store with a resident cat, so GOOD JOB.
  5. Why can’t you kiss the baby chickens!?  
  6. What in the world is Mint Udder Cream?  Is it…milk-based shampoo?  Is it a soothing cream to rub on cow’s udders?  Is it a food!?
  7. You look exactly like Ruthie when you are apologizing, and it made me laugh out loud.

Thank for the vlog, Friend!  I loved getting a glimpse of your new life, and I can’t wait to buy (not the expensive gluten-free organic) animal food from you when I’m home for the holidays!

!!   UPDATE  !!
Lindsay responded to my responses
with a SECOND VIDEO that you can see over at Wild Ginger!  
“So you thought the horse was real…”

3 thoughts on “Letters Between Friends: AT THE STORE

    • Tricia July 1, 2016 / 8:16 pm

      I LOVE that I can ask you questions and you make me a video response! I love seeing your face and hearing your voice! Should we do vlogging instead of blogging???


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