What Does the Internet Need? More Cats!

Sometimes you just need to spend a few minutes looking at cat pictures.  Happy Wednesday!

We’ll start off by immediately shattering your hearts because OMG THIS LITTLE BUNDLE OF SWEET SOFT FUR JUST WANTS TO BE WARM.

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Why do we call it a “dog pile” when this cat pile is equally as cute?
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This cat is prettier than I could ever hope to be.  THOSE EYES.  THAT FURR PUFF.
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“Wait, I’m not done with this page.”
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One of my favorite things about cats is their creative thinking:  “Why would I sleep INSIDE the warm inviting tent when I can perch uncomfortably on top?”
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I also love how cats are totally self-centered, and instead of caring, we take pictures of it.
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SLEEPY TIMES, aaahhhh, I miss my cat and take naps all cuddled up.  THAT PRECIOUS LITTLE BELLY.
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Well.  Well!!  OKAY, I didn’t need to do anything all day than to watch this over and over and over and AHHHH it’s so cute!

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